Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What is Pre-Employment Background Screening Anyway?

Pre-employment screening refers to the process of investigating the backgrounds of potential employees and is commonly used to verify the accuracy of an applicant's claims as well as to discover any possible criminal history, worker’s compensation claims, or employer sanctions. Many employers conduct pre-employment screenings of job applicants. Employers often outsource all or part of these evaluations to private third-party organizations that specialize in background screening.

Why should I run background checks?
Mainly you should run background checks to help keep your clients, your employees, and your business safe. Protection of your employees is imperative in any business. While we all wish, we could trust everyone, background checks are a critical way to protect the many aspects of your business. You need to minimize the risk to operate successfully.

Do I need to get permission?
Yes, you do. If you want to order and review any kind of background check to determine somebody's eligibility for employment, you need to get their permission. Two forms specifically must be completed by the applicant, the authorization, and the disclosure. You can read more about this in the FCRA compliance article.

For more information on background screening contact Third Vision Background Searches at 815-669-0556 for a free consultation or visit www.thirdvisionbackgrounds.com.

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